11 Nov- 15 Nov [NEXT WEEK!!]


~~ sorry just had to get that out of my system! This week in KG we started looking at the first thanksgiving in connection with the past. Students did coloring activities and our big lesson this week was the bracelet craft! You can find the story we used to make the bracelet’s in their orange folder 🙂 Next week we will continue to look more deeply at the first thanksgiving (more crafting to come) and focus on some Thanksgiving vocab, food, etc.

Onto the news!

  • MARTINSTAG!! So nice I mentioned it twice! haha But for real I am BEYOND EXCITED for tomorrow!! Our awesome festival starts at 4:30 and the Kinder performance will start at 5!! Make sure your kiddo is ready and dressed in their boots/jackets! PLEASE PLEASE TAKE PICTURES!!! I will be busy working the whole event and wont get much of a chance so I am depending on y’all!! Pictures of the kiddos, of the event in General, videos of performances ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!! Please upload all your pictures and videos here!
  • Year Book!! I hope y’all saw the email but it is time to order your yearbooks!! Kindergarten is a precious year and the pictures in the yearbook are the fall picture day pictures as well as pictures taken candid throughout the year! 🙂 Also to let y’all know if you wait to buy your yearbook come January the price will go up (though I do not know the price)
  • Library Books!! I am sure most of you have seen that the kiddos have come home with books from out now opened library!! Students are allowed to have books for a maximum of two weeks before they will be considered late and you will be charged with a late fee! I have been trying to write in the agenda when a student checks out a book and when they have returned it. Our first visit to the library ALL the kiddos checked out a book and the due date for that visit is 11 November. Please check the agenda to see if your child has an outstanding book from the library 🙂
  • Turkey Feathers!! Don’t forget to return those feathers!! (More like paper cutouts but still) We would like to build out turkey this MONDAY!! I’ve gotten a few back already but not enough!! 🙂
  • Holiday Market Event!! I know, I know. Martinstag isn’t even over and we are talking about ANOTHER event?! Yes. The English track hosts a Holiday Market event where every homeroom class creates something to sell to help raise funds just for the English track! We have decided that we will be selling cake mix in jars! I tell you this now because I am hoping to collect jars for the process! We are in need of 32 oz jars! So don’t throw those pickle jars away!! I will send more info about specifics to our room moms after Martinstag 🙂

That’s it from me! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I can’t wait to see y’all at Martinstag!!!