4 Nov- 8 Nov [NEXT WEEK]

We finished October!! Book Character Dress up Day was a HIT! Pictures will be uploaded soon to the drive that we have from in class! THIS WEEK we started on Unit 3: Where we are in place and time. We learned about the concepts of the past (die Vergangenheit) and the present (die Gegenwart) [see the bottom of the blog post for all the new vocab we learned!] Next week we will start really learning about the past with a focus on Thanksgiving and how the first Thanksgiving was celebrated!

  • Door Turkey!! In the orange folders you will see a Turkey feather! This is a fun at home project for you and your kiddos! Please decorate the feather how ever you’d like (glitter, stickers, drawings, painting) I just ask that you don’t change the shape of the feather (no cutting or gluing ears on it or anything) The deadline for this project is 11. November! This gives you over a week to find some time for this fun activity!
  • MARTINSTAG!! YES IT IS ONLY A WEEK AWAY!!!! It’s not to late to sign up to bring items here! OR volunteer: here! I can’t tell you how excited the class is! We are practicing our song daily (please send in your poncho/rain jacket/ boots so we can practice in them)!! I will be sending home the kiddos lanterns Friday the 8th so if you don’t plan to be here that day please let me know so that I can send it home earlier for you! Also we are still in need of a few TABLES like those folding plastic tables so if you have one you are willing to let us borrow for the event please let me know and sign up there! I can’t wait for NOV 9th to get here!!! Our performance is the first one that happens for the event so if you are planning to come please be there when the event starts! I’ll send out the exact time of the program asap.
  • Grades!! check up on infinite campus for the new batch of grades we started on for Unit 3 🙂
  • Cough Drops!! Now that we are hitting some colder weather, I like to keep a stash of cough drops on hand for kiddos that may have a lingering cough. If you’d like to donate a pack to class I’d appreciate it. Also let me know if your child should be excluded from this or if there are any concerns!
  • Yellow Ticket Party!! Our class won the yellow ticket party today!! That means that here in the near future (an upcoming Friday) we will be having an awesome movie viewing party!! With provided snacks we will watch a movie (start to finish in English) to reward the class for being so awesome!
  • Blue Ticket Rewards!! I had a lot of questions from the kiddos about what they can do with their blue tickets so I wanted to hand that info to y’all again so that you could talk to them about what they can do with those blue tickets! The first option is to throw them in the grade level lottery every Friday- winners get to pick something from the school store. The second is to collect them (at least 15) to purchase a prize from Mrs. Johnson’s cart (they can do this once a month). The last option is to use their blue tickets for in class rewards. You can find the full list here.

Hope everyone has a nice chilly weekend!! 😀

Vocab from the week:

The past: die Vergangenheit

The present: die Gegenwart

clothing: Kleider

Pilgrim: Pilgrim

car: Auto

horse: Pferd

House: Haus

Tent: Zelt

A long time ago…: vor langer Zeit

Today: heute