10 Feb -14 Feb [NEXT WEEK!]

Hello parents we have made it through another week! Did anyone else feel like this week just dragged by soooo slowly? Just me? Anywho~~ we spent this WHOLE WEEK working on our creations for the summative assessment! They all worked so hard on them and they are looking great! Next week marks the end of Unit 4 and the start of Unit 5: Sharing the planet! We will reflect on unit 4, practice our presentations of the creations, and start learning new things! Unit 5 is all about the planet: living v. non-living, animal characteristics, how plants grow, AND about maps and globes! We will start next week with just Living and Non-living as we continue to practice our presentations 🙂

Let’s move on to some news!

  • Parent Event!! Wednesday Feb 12th @ 8:45 in the GYM we will be having our parent event!! You are all invited (i hope you saw the cute invitations in the agenda) to come see our amazing creations and hear your kiddos speak in German!! Unfortunately, no siblings of any kind will be allowed at the event! If you are unable to come it’s OK! I will be filming our in class presentations so you can see the presentation at home! I look forward to seeing y’all on Wednesday!
  • Chinese New Year!! TOMORROW @ 1-4  here at the Lower Campus! Please come out for some fun food, games, and presentations from our Mandarin track! I’ll be helping out there so I look forward to seeing those of y’all that make it! 🙂
  • Grades!! Those of you who check the grades frequently may have noticed I deleted some grades in the German Writing grades section. We noticed there were some discrepancies as Mrs. Little has an ELA handwriting grade so we are changing what these grades are. For now, all handwriting based grades will be in Mrs. Little’s ELA grades. The German Writing grades will consist of writing ability/production and will not be based off handwriting neatness/correct letter formation. These grade will be more: can the student copy letters from the board? Does the student need to trace words or can they write free hand? If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
  • Mobymax!! We have some new math assignments on Mobymax for y’all that have to do with addition and subtraction! We will be doing an assessment to see where the kiddos are on this in Monday, so this weekend would be a great opportunity to get some practice in!
  • Language Experts!! Some of you may have notices a blue ribbon on your child’s backpack this week! I am happy to announce that most of our class has either received the blue ribbon or is over half way to receiving that ribbon!! The ribbon is received upon 10 days of 100% German usage during instructional time! If you see that blue ribbon on your kiddos bag please congratulate them as it is AWESOME to see them work so hard for those rewards!!
  • Teacher Job!! I also wanted to make a quick note about a new job in my class called : Lehrerdienst. This basically means Teacher Job. During our morning circle, I select one student who has my job. They instruct the class, they remind students to follow rug rules, and they select students to help complete tasks. This job is a HUGE jump in ability for the kiddos! I go through the class at random with each kiddo being able to go once before we reset. But kiddos also have the option to pay 15 blue tickets for the opportunity to be the teacher (they can do this 2x in one rotation). I just wanted to keep y’all in the loop about this new role in class in case the kiddos talk to you about it 🙂
  • Valentine’s Day!! It is next week on Friday!! If you would like to bring in valentines in for the class please make sure you bring in enough for the WHOLE class! If your child only brings in a few for their best friends, they will NOT be allowed to pass them out!! We wont be having a party, but I will have time for kiddos to share valentines. Please keep in mind no edible treats! (tattoos, stickers, toys, erasers, etc)! Please don’t bring in donuts/cupcakes or other edible things. If your kiddos walks in with them, they will be taken away! I will share a list of the class names in the email I send to yall 🙂

That’s it from me for today!! Don’t hesitate to reach out if y’all have any questions! Happy weekend 🙂