21 Jan- 24 Jan [NEXT WEEK!]

YAY Parents we made it 100 Days in Kinder!!! Wooohooo~~~~ This week we started to introduce and explore natural materials please read below about Homework to find out more! Next week, we will continue to explore and sort our natural materials and combine them with man made materials. This of course is all leading up to our Summative assessment where we will be building creatures/monsters from “trash” as teams and present them to y’all in February! Please keep collecting the trash but do not sent it in yet!!My little room can’t handle it just yet!

Let’s move in to the neeeewwwws!

  • No school Monday!! This Monday the 20th there will be NO SCHOOL! Enjoy your long weekend and I’ll see the kiddos on Tuesday 🙂
  • LICE!! I hope y’all read my e-mail about our lice “outbreak” in class. Please try to check your child weekly/regularly! Please read this letter from our nurse for more information and how to help prevent your child from getting lice! And pleeeeeaaaaase don’t send your kiddo to school with lice. The more on top of it we are now, the less of a problem it will be moving forward!
  • Homework! Because the weather this week was so bleh~ we weren’t able to go outside during our class time to collect natural materials. Sooo I am passing the torch off to y’all!! There will be plastic bags in the orange folders today. Each student is responsible for collecting a few examples of a material. I decided to do this based off the table your child sits at in my class. There will be colorful dots on the bags Blue= sand/dirt Black= rock/stone Green= wood Red= leaves. Make sure the items you put in your baggies are NATURAL. No wooden toys or kinetic sand or shiny polished gems. We want real outdoor materials! (If your child was absent today I will send you your information separately~ Pleeeeaase collect your items and have your child send them in by Thursday the 23 so we can use those materials in class!!
  • The Weather~ like I said it was bad this week. When it wasn’t raining, the play ground was soooo wet and soggy that we didn’t have ANY outdoor recess this week. Today was the first day this week that we went outside. So if you get the chance, please let the kiddos play outside a bunch this weekend. They were going stir crazy on me!
  • School Wide Reward!! Our school has collected enough blue tickets to receive another school wide reward! Friday will be CRAZY HAIR DAY!! Send your kiddos to school with their wildest and craziest hair!!
  • Mobymax! As usual there are some new assignments up on Mobymax! In my class students work on Mobymax for about 20ish minutes a week during math centers! If you are able, please allow them to practice more at home to reinforce these new skills we are learning in class!
  • Language Experts Ribbon!! Starting today we are doing language expert ribbons!! I introduced it to the kiddos today as Gumball’s. If students stay in the German language ALL day then they will receive a colored in gumball on their chart. If they collect 10 the will receive a blue ribbon to display on their bag and have a shoutout during the announcements! As they collect more, they can earn more ribbons! Read more here!!!

Well everybody~~ That’s it from me for this week! Have a FANTASTIC LONG WEEKEND and I’ll see everyone ready to go on Tuesday!!